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A new home, if not temporary

Finally, a rehash of StoryDev after multiple attempts designing and making our story shine. Yes, you got that, right?

StoryDev's new home is currently hosted on Wix, but this may just be a temporary solution. To ensure you get the most up-to-date news, our approach is to simply get up and running to give more faster. This doesn't mean we're staying with Wix; far from it.

As you may already be aware, we released our flagship software, StoryDev Character Generator, over on This is the platform we will be using to provide you our software and video games over the years to come, with potentially more platforms such as Steam.

We are in the process of developing our business far and wide but without your support, this cannot happen.

To begin, then. StoryDev Character Generator is the software that you choose to use because you need character sprites for your top-down video game. It is a very niche idea, sure, but there is certainly much more on the way.

As you can imagine, Character Generator is also beneficial for us. We don't spend thousands on assets like most game developers because our software allows us to generate our own sprites for our own video games.

On this subject, we also have many upcoming and ongoing projects to discuss.

These are:

TwinspireCS is where the magic happens. As you can tell by the name, it is written in C#. We love C#. In combination with two amazing libraries in Raylib and Dear ImGui, we can build software and games that are cross-platform in our favourite language. Thumbs up from us.

So, TwinspireCS is guaranteed to continue progress despite that it is open source and free. But this is also because we desire many other things in the future.

We have so many ideas, but as you can imagine, we have to start somewhere. And so, it falls to us to deliver where we shine the most and perform at our best.

TwinspireCS Tools is an ongoing project alongside Character Generator. While we will be working on Character Generator, our focus will shift between our Toolkit UI and this to ensure continued progress on both our video game and our flagship. This will not be easy, but it does give us an opportunity to allow you time to use Character Generator between patch releases.

We are very busy, but we are a one-man team. I say "we" because "we" really refers to "I" until further notice. You could include our freelance graphics artist, if you wish.

But until a time when we can provide more updates, we will be focusing on documentation for Character Generator and make progress on TwinspireCS Tools.

We hope to update you frequently with a news post at least once a week. Perhaps every Tuesday? If we can stick to such a schedule? We will try our best, but if there is no post, it just means we're not quite ready for an announcement.

You can also indulge yourself in my personal blog, here.

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